Recieving data
There are two ways to reciveve data from a client. With ZilaWS data can be asked and waited for.
Asking for data
To ask a client for data, use the waiter
function. This will trigger a client side MessageHandler and return its value.
The maximum waiting time for this is the server's maxWaitingTime value in miliseconds.
const server = new ZilaServer({
port: 6589,
logger: true, //Enables logging
verbose: true //Enables verbose logging
console.log(await server.waiter(client, "GetValueOfPI") as number); // --> 3.141592653589793
Waiting for data
Set a MessageHandler which runs when the server recives a message from a client with the event's identifier. There can be any number of params of any type.
server.setMessageHandler("SomeIdentifier", (param1: string, param2: number, param3: object /*, ...*/) => {
//Your code
If the client uses the waiter function to send data, you can make it wait until it is done.
server.setMessageHandler("SomeIdentifier", async (param1: string, param2: number, param3: object /*,...*/) => {
return await new Promise<void>((resolve) =>{
//Your Code is represented by this timeout
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);